Establishing a presence on social media channels in accordance with a comprehensive plan is paramount to gaining exposure and allows a business to provide extra value to your brand’s audience. Besides adding many customer contact points, social media is key to building lasting relationships with loyal customers.
We will review and assess content-based, community-based, and objective-based strategies for your company and create a project outline for each. We will evaluate leading online advertising platforms and establish responsibility for the management of both automatic and organic posting per each channel.
All media, pages, and groups will be oriented toward the company’s social media and online advertising strategy.
5 curated posts to the following social media networks each week:
A customized automated direct Twitter message in response to a follow
Creation of a one-click email list subscription solution for Twitter (perfect for growing your company’s email list for drip marketing purposes)
5 tweets of one-click email list signup post per week
1 custom article/blog posts in line with the company’s brand and objectives to be posted on the following social media networks each month:
1 brand-related engaging post to the following social media networks each week*:
*Includes posts to newly created groups on the following social media networks: